Friday, February 02 2018
Welcome to February 2018: Undisputable Triumph…..Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place (2 Cor. 2:14). Note the scripture used the word ‘always’. It means your triumph is not once off but every time. Oxford dictionary defines triumph in a triple dimension as “a great victory or achievement”, “the state of being victorious or successful”, “joy or satisfaction resulting from a success or victory.” May you always triumph over every trial no matter the shape of the trial, its size, when it occurs or how it happens; May you always come out victorious in Jesus name. One compelling thing about the above scripture is that your triumph is not by your power, it says ‘God who always leads us in triumph in Christ.’ This should gladden every believer’s heart because it is an assurance of triumph based on our connection to Christ. God did not promise a life void of trials and tempest but that of a sure triumph over every trial. John 16:33 also validates this point when Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Let us examine the ingredients needed to achieve a life of undisputable triumph; as mentioned above our association with Christ is vital but beyond this we must remain in Him, continuously walking and abiding in Him. When we abide in Christ who is the Champion of champions, the Conqueror of the universe and He abides in us just as we find in John 15:4, then our triumph is guaranteed. Another thing essential to undisputable triumph is refusing to be satisfied with an average life; strive to get better on daily basis. Jesus our perfect example was not satisfied with an average life, He did not take His assignment for granted nor was He laid back (John 9:4). He didn’t waste time because He knew He was a man on assignment and like everyone of us, He had a timeframe (John 7:33, 12:35).
You must also be willing to pay the price. For everything that is worthwhile in life, there is a price tag and the price you are willing to pay determines the quality of the prize you get. Jesus paid the price and eventually got the prize(s). Heb.12:2 says, “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” There may be opposition or criticism, as matter of fact, any time you want to make progress, there is a resistance. Keep moving forward fixing your eyes on the prize and you will be triumphant. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him….Heb. 10:38. Refuse to be distracted or silenced by the voices of opposition and criticism. Life is a race and there is no trophy for quitters… quitters never win, winners never quit. In addition, learn to stay in your lane, remain focused and true to your calling; remember that there is a corresponding audience to every gift so there is absolutely no need to envy, compare or imitate anybody. That is how to ensure a life of undisputable triumph!
According to 2 Cor. 4:8-10, things may sometimes not go as planned, there may be some things happening that you didn’t bargain for but never forget that as long as Christ is in charge of your life, He will lead you to triumph; when you gave your life to Him, He took control and handed over to you undisputable triumph. You are born again to become a winner and you will never lose; U.N.D.I.S.P.U.T.A.B.L.E. T.R.I.U.M.P.H. IS YOUR PORTION in Jesus name. Shalom.
Lekan Oyewande (February 2018)