For the LORD detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence. Prov. 3:32(NIV) The men fellowship is for every man who is above 21years old. The main aim of this group is to raise zealous men for God who will stir up the hearts of their families for Christ. This fellowship provides an avenue for men to interact, look out for one another and deal with issues affecting men spiritually, morally etc for example, relationship, career development, business, prayer etc. They meet once a month to lift up their hands in prayer. Contact: Pst Lekan 0872929634
Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things.1 Tim.3:11 Like the men fellowship, every woman who is above 21 years belongs to this group. They come together to pray, encourage one another and discuss issues which are peculiar to the spiritual, physical and emotional growth of women. There are various home-related topics handled by this group, for instance, cooking, knitting, home-keeping, finances etc as it affects the home. Women from all walks of life are welcomed to join these group. Contact: Jumoke King-Chaninomi - 0876406142
Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth. Ecc.12:1 Our youth department popularly called “GenerationNext” provides a forum for youths to be taught the bible in a manner familiar to them, Various issues affecting teenagers are also dealt with as they move from teenage to adulthood e.g. handling relationship, decision-making, etc. The youth ministry provides a welcoming atmosphere for secondary school students as well as college therefore the age for is group is 13 - 18years. Contact: Tosin Mabadeje - 0899440511 |
One of the core values of the church is ensuring that our children are given the utmost priority. Each Sunday morning, the children have the opportunity to participate in their own classes. For better involvement, the classes are divided based on the child's age. Lessons are taught from the bible in a way to ensure involvement of every child. The church is made up of children teachers, most of whom are professional child practitioners so they are well trained and carefully selected. The children's department is cordinated by Comfort Ahamefula 0879390307